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  • How much does "online coaching" cost?
    You will get 1 month online coaching with me, for the same price as 3x 1-hour sessions with a regular personal trainer. You will get unlimited access to contact me through an app, for whatever you need help with within coaching, through the whole coaching period. You will get a customized workout plan for 3 months, through the whole coaching period. You will get a customized meal plan every month for 3 months, through the whole coaching period.
  • What differs "online coaching" from "regular PT"?
    Online coaching: Unlimited chat-availability & easy communication Through the whole online coaching period, you have full access to me, via chat through the phone. Flexibility & freedom Train at whatever gym you want, whenever you want. You are not limited to a specific time when you "have to" workout. Cost-effective You get a month of online coaching, for the same price as 3x 1-hour sessions with a "regular PT". Result-tracking You want to know whether you're progressing towards your personal goals. With online coaching, the "useful" data is a lot easier to track. Weight lifted What foods you have eaten Calorie restrictions Protein requirements Regular PT: Hard to communicate With a regular PT, you don't have the access to contact the PT for questions you may have. Zero "useful" feedback You're not getting any "useful" feedback from your PT when you meet your PT (at most) once a week. How do you know you're doing the right things, when you don't get any useful feedback?
  • Can I buy a "workout program" only (without online coaching)?
    Yes, you can buy a workout program (without online coaching). But in this case you will not have unlimited chat-access for whatever questions you may have regarding workout progression, progressive overload, nutrition plans, and so on.
  • Can I buy a "nutrition plan" only (without online coaching)?
    Yes, you can buy a nutrition plan (without online coaching). But in this case you will not have unlimited chat-access for whatever questions you may have regarding workout progression, progressive overload, workout plans, and so on.
  • Can I buy a "workout program" & "nutrition plan" only (without online coaching)?
    Yes, you can buy a workout program & nutrition plan (without online coaching). But in this case you will not have unlimited chat-access for whatever questions you may have regarding workout progression, progressive overload, and so on.
  • How often do I have to workout?
    That depends on what your goals are. I will customize your own plan, depending on how often you can workout: If you want to build the largest amount of muscle, and you have the time & energy to put in consistent effort: target each muscle group 2 times per week 6 workouts/week If you want to build a lot of muscle, but are generally busy with work or other activities: target each muscle group 1 time per week 3 workouts/week If you want to build a lot of muscle, and also want each workout to be of shorter duration (each muscle group on separate days): target each muscle group 1 time per week 4 workouts/week or 5 workouts/week
  • Do I have to workout at the gym?
    Yes, if you want to work with me and obtain your best possible physique, you have to workout at the gym. You can't do "home workouts" and expect to obtain your best physique.
  • Which exercises are best for weight loss?
    Resistance exercises are not good for weight loss. Your nutrition plan (diet), including your total daily caloric intake, is the primary and most important factor for weight loss & maintaining that weight loss. Cardio / movement (jogging, running, walking, HIIT) are secondary factors you may include for weight loss. (Remember: It's almost impossible to "out-run" a bad diet. You would need to run all day, every day.)
  • What is the best type of cardio?
    That depends on what your goals are with the cardio: Best cardio to prevent muscle loss: Low-intensity steady-state (LISS) Jogging / running slow, or walking. Best cardio to save time: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) Sprinting / running fast, with short breaks.
  • How many times a week should I exercise?
    That depends on what your goals are: I will customize your own plan, depending on how often you can workout: If you want to build the largest amount of muscle, and you have the time & energy to put in consistent effort: target each muscle group 2 times per week 6 workouts/week If you want to build a lot of muscle, but are generally busy with work or other activities: target each muscle group 1 time per week 3 workouts/week If you want to build a lot of muscle, but also want each workout to be of shorter duration (each muscle group on separate days): target each muscle group 1 time per week 4 workouts/week or 5 workouts/week
  • How many meals should I eat each day?
    It does NOT matter how many meals you eat in a day. Only the total amount of calories matter. You should also eat sufficient amounts of protein to prevent muscle loss.
  • How do I build muscle?
    Some of the most important factors for building muscle: You need resistance training to build muscle. You need to eat sufficient amounts of protein each day. You need to be consistent with both resistance training & diet for best results.
  • How do I lose "belly fat"?
    It's impossible to lose fat in specific areas (spot reduction), for example "around the belly". The specific areas in which you lose fat first and last, depends on your genetics. Everyone has a six-pack. The six-pack is just hiding under the "belly fat". You have to reduce your total calorie intake.
  • How do I get a "six-pack"?
    Everyone has a six-pack. The six-pack is just hiding under the "belly fat". In order to make the "six-pack" visible, you need to (consistently) eat the correct proportions of your "daily macros", coming from your total calorie intake. Your "Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT)" should be taken into consideration when counting your "daily macros / daily calorie intake".
  • Are "free weights" more effective than "machines" for muscle growth?
    No, both are approximately equally effective for muscle growth. The most important factors for both types are: To perform the exercise with sufficient Time Under Tension (TUT) on all exercises. To use full Range Of Motion (ROM) on all exercises. To lift a sufficient amount of weight, until you're unable to perform any more repetitions with correct form. "Machines" are better for beginners, due to reduced risk of injury, & machines are easier to stabilize. I personally use machines for over 50 % of my exercises. "Free weights" are better for compound exercises & for stability. On the other hand there's an increased risk of injury.
  • What time of the day should I exercise?
    The time of the day at which you exercise is irrelevant. Whenever it fits best to your own schedule. Whenever you have the most energy to perform optimally.
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